750 refugees will be settled in Newcastle this month.
When the cooler weather arrives, many will need warm clothes.
To assist our Mid North Coast Refugee Support Group community knitting program will get back into gear.
This time we are putting a special call-out for knitted
items for children up to school age.
We'd also like to implement a 'Sharing Shawls' program whereby local women donate one of their warm shawls or scarves. Surely we all have a spare one in the wardrobe!?
Mavis Barnes will coordinate the knitting
this year - her number is 6559-4339.
A reminder about last year's 'Knitting the future' campaign
Pictured below are images from last year's 'Knitting the future' campaign, which included a session at the library where artists painted and drew women knitting, as a way of celebrating the centenary of Grace Cossington Smith's famous painting of her sister knitting for the WW1 troops in 1915.
And below is a pic of some of our knitting arriving in Berlin!