What can I do?

Our group is made up of ordinary people who are concerned by the racial prejudice in our society and the inhumane treatment of asylum seekers.
The actions of each of us are important.
You may think the actions of one person are unimportant or insignificant, but there are many ways each and every one of us can support refugees.
What can I do?
     Come to meetings & events
     Spread the word about the group
     Support our education & fundraising efforts
     Host refugees - open your home & your heart to refugees for short-stay holidays
     Write letters - to government, to people in detention & others
     Talk with family & friends - there are many myths and misconceptions about refugees.
Small things count too
There are many small things you can do to support refugees - you can write to someone in detention to let them know they are not forgotten, you can write to government or your local member, you can support local events and fundraisers.

How to get involved
Join our Facebook group – it is open to anyone and all the latest information is posted there.
Come to our next meeting or event.

For more information contact us - mncrsg@gmail.com