Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Next gathering

Our next gathering will be held on Saturday 22/6/24 at the Uniting Church in Port Macquarie from 10:30am and will include a shared lunch.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Welcome to 2024


February Update:
NEW COMMITTEE  Following our AGM last year we have a new committee and many thanks to the people who have offered to help. It was agreed that the committee will meet every 2 months to discuss and make decisions about the running of the group. Following these meetings information will be shared with the group.
For more information about the meetings or to offer ideas, suggestions and help please email

President: Janette Jones, Vice President: Leslie Tierney, Secretary: Julia Shearsby, Treasurer: Stephen Nicholson, Fundraising organiser: Petra Thun, Committee members: Beth Flynn and Tony Williams

At the committee we decided to inform members using their own cars for MNCRSG activities should have comprehensive car insurance or at least understand that the MNCRSG insurance does not cover car damage.

BREAKING NEWS  All the Tamils who were on SHEV and moved to our area now have permanent residency. Some have waited about 10 years. So this is a good reason to celebrate.

Also, Olga, a Ukrainian refugee has just received regular work in Aged Care and will be studying Cert 3 in Aged Care.

For Christmas the Lutheran Church gave all the refugees gift vouchers which were very much appreciated. They also received hampers and a new child’s bike from the Catholic Church.

GATHERINGS  We are planning for four family fun type days where we can get together with people who support refugees and the refugees. The March gathering on Saturday March 23 will be held at the Baptist Church (18 McIntyre Cl). Bring some morning tea/ lunch to share and see you there from 10am-1pm. Thanks to the Baptist Church.

Please keep these dates in mind for gatherings to be held at Port Macquarie Uniting Church;
 22 June 24, 28 September24, 23 November 24 AGM and Christmas celebration

FUND RAISING Mandy Yates and Petra Thun did a market at Kendall and raised $393 for our organisation. Fantastic effort! There will be another stall on 28th March. There are plans to do a Bunnings BBQ and once we have the dates we will let you know.

PRIVACY The committee are developing a privacy policy. In the interim we want to remind people of the importance of keeping information about the refugee’s private unless you are given permission to share it.

GRANT We are looking at applying for a grant to update our flyers, make a display banner and posters. There is also a suggestion that we should update our website too. If you are interested in helping with assisting and developing promotional material please email us.