Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Thank you and farewell to Kathryn Parle

One of our most productive members, Kathryn Parle has concluded her contributions for the time being, as she embarks on her much-anticipated travels.
Leading local journalist Letitia Fitzpatrick spoke with Kathryn and filed this report in our local media (Wauchope Gazette, Port  News and Camden Haven Courier).
Click on the image below to read the full story.

Next meeting on Feb 8, 2020

Just a reminder the next meeting of the Mid North Coast Refugee Support Group will be on Saturday February 8, from 10.30am to 1.30pm at Wauchope Community Arts Hall.
Everyone is welcome. You don't need to be a current member.
Wauchope Community Arts Hall is located in Oxley Lane, Wauchope - entry from High Street.